Events That Happen Throughout The Year
The March Campaign is the largest food drive in Minnesota. MN FoodShare assists food shelves across the state to help stock their shelves and collect money to purchase food. Each food shelf collects food and monetary donations during the month of March. MN FoodShare will match a percentage of what each food shelf collects so your food and dollar donations go further. Why cash? We partner with Second Harvest Heartland and for every dollar donated, we can purchase $5.00 worth of food! The more we collect, the greater the percentage we receive.
The Peoples Pantry is a free pre-packaged curb side food distribution on the third Wednesday of every month from 5pm-6:30pm. We distribute meats, dairy, dry goods, produce and more each month in our parking lot. Just show up and we will fill your vehicle with approximately xx pounds of food. There will NOT be a Peoples Pantry drive thru in November.
The kids kitchen program offers additional kid friendly foods during the summer months to those in need who may have children that are missing out on the school lunches. The details are in the above image. Every Wednesday from June 12, 2024 - August 28, 2024 pick up kid friendly non-perishable food and assorted dairy or meat packages, The hours each Wednesday are 9:00 AM- Noon and 4:00 -7:00 PM.
Free Thanksgiving Baskets are distributed the Saturday (November 23, 2024) before Thanksgiving. This is a drive up opportunity for all of the community that from 11:00 - 1:00pm. The basket includes a whole turkey and a variety of fresh and non-perishable items so families can sit down and share a Thanksgiving meal together.
Our most popular event among our Volunteers and kids alike! On December 7th (Saturday) we will offer our clients’ children (ages 5-17) the opportunity to shop/select Christmas gifts for their siblings, parents and grandparents while their parents wait in the waiting area. Our volunteers take the kids shopping through a large selection of donated gifts. You won’t want to miss out on this very festive and fun event! It is usually held several weeks before Christmas. You must be a client in our food shelf three months prior to this event to qualify.